La Joya ISD joins school districts across the Nation to bring awareness on National World Autism Awareness Day. Today and every day, let us fully recognize the active and diverse contributions of individuals with autism to our societies – and let us work together to build an inclusive and accessible world for all. #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
Today and every day, let us fully recognize the active and diverse contributions of individuals with autism to our societies – and let us work together to build an inclusive and accessible world for all.
Join us TODAY for Loteria Night!! Come and join us for a night full of fun, food, prizes and much more! Enrollment opportunities will be available on-site. March 30, 2023 5:00PM - 8:00PM at Leo J. Leo Elementary Cafeteria 1625 Roque Salinas Rd, Mission, TX 78572. See you there!!
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
Join us for Loteria Night!! Come and join us for a night full of fun, food, prizes and much more! Enrollment opportunities will be available on-site. March 30, 2023 5:00PM - 8:00PM at Leo J. Leo Elementary Cafeteria 1625 Roque Salinas Rd, Mission, TX 78572. See you there!!
Best of luck to our La Joya Juarez-Lincoln High School soccer boys as they take on the Brownsville Lopez Lobos in their Regional Quarter Finals Soccer Playoff Game on Friday, March 31, 2023 at 7:00PM at Brownsville Lopez High School Complex 3205 S Dakota AVE, Brownsville, TX 78521. Go Huskies!! #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
Best of luck to our La Joya Juarez-Lincoln High School soccer boys as they take on the Brownsville Lopez Lobos in their Regional Quarter Finals Soccer Playoff Game on Friday, March 31, 2023 at 7:00PM at Brownsville Lopez High School Complex 3205 S Dakota AVE, Brownsville, TX 78521. Go Huskies!!  #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
DOWNLOAD the new app for La Joya ISD! It's everything La Joya ISD, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
DOWNLOAD the new app for La Joya ISD! It's everything La Joya ISD, in your pocket. � Download for Android�  Download for iPhone
⚠️ATTENTION LA JOYA ISD COMMUNITY⚠️ Honoring Our Loved Ones Event We will be having our Memorial Tree Planting Event this Spring. Trees will be planted in memory of former students, employees, or board members. To honor a loved one or colleague, individuals may purchase a tree at a cost of $300.00. A plaque may also be purchased for an additional $150.00 to be placed with tree. Payment must be submitted in person, along with a photograph of the individual being honored no later than Friday, April 7, 2023 to theAdministration and Finance Department at 201E. Expressway 83, La Joya, TX.(956) 323-2051 Along with your payment and photograph, please submit the attached form below, with the required information of your loved one or colleague. ************************************ Evento Honorando a nuestros seres queridos Tendremos nuestro evento de plantación de árboles conmemorativos esta primavera. Se plantarán árboles en memoria de ex estudiantes, empleados o miembros de la mesa directiva. Para honorar a un ser querido o a un colega, las personas pueden comprar un árbol a un costo de $300.00. Una placa también puede ser comprado por $ 150.00 adicionales para ser colocado con el árbol. El pago debe ser presentado en persona, junto con una fotografía del ser individual honorado a más tardar el viernes 7 de abril del 2023 al Departamento de administración y finanzas en 201E. Expressway 83, La Joya, TX. (956) 323-2051 Junto con su pago y fotografía, por favor enviar el formulario adjunto a continuación, con la información requerida de su ser querido o colega.
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
⚠️ATTENTION LA JOYA ISD COMMUNITY⚠️ Honoring Our Loved Ones Event We will be having our Memorial Tree Planting Event this Spring.  Trees will be planted in memory of former students, employees, or board members. To honor a loved one or colleague, individuals may purchase a tree at a cost of $300.00. A plaque may also be purchased for an additional $150.00 to be placed with tree. Payment must be submitted in person, along with a photograph of the individual being honored no later than Friday, April 7, 2023 to theAdministration and Finance Department at  201E. Expressway 83, La Joya, TX.(956) 323-2051 Along with your payment and photograph, please submit the attached form below, with the required information of your loved one or colleague. ************************************ Evento Honorando a nuestros seres queridos Tendremos nuestro evento de plantación de árboles conmemorativos esta primavera. Se plantarán árboles en memoria de ex estudiantes, empleados o miembros de la mesa directiva. Para honorar a un ser querido o a un colega, las personas pueden comprar un árbol a un costo de $300.00. Una placa también puede ser comprado por $ 150.00 adicionales para ser colocado con el árbol. El pago debe ser presentado en persona, junto con una fotografía del ser individual honorado a más tardar el viernes 7 de abril del 2023 al Departamento de administración y finanzas en 201E. Expressway 83, La Joya, TX. (956) 323-2051 Junto con su pago y fotografía, por favor enviar el formulario adjunto a continuación, con la información requerida de su ser querido o colega.
Congratulations to our Juarez Lincoln Huskies Boys Soccer team who defeated McHi 1-0 to become Area Champions to advance to the Regional Quarterfinals vs Brownsville Lopez. Way to go Huskies!!
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
Congratulations to our Juarez Lincoln Huskies Boys Soccer team who defeated McHi 1-0 to become Area Champions to advance to the Regional Quarterfinals vs Brownsville Lopez. Way to go Huskies.
At La Joya ISD we are a Tradition of Excellence to ensure all students Shine Bright. Now enrolling for the 2023 - 2024 school year. ENROLL TODAY, Choose La Joya ISD! To complete the online enrollment, click on link below: For more information, visit or call (956) 323-2545. #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
At La Joya ISD we are a Tradition of Excellence to ensure all students Shine Bright. Now enrolling for the 2023 - 2024 school year. ENROLL TODAY, Choose La Joya ISD! To register click on link below: For more information, visit or call (956) 323-2545. #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
Join us for the 17th Annual La Joya ISD Superintendent’s Scholarship Golf Classic! On Friday, April 7th at the Howling Trails Golf Course. For more information call the Administration & Finance Department Office at (956) 323-2051 #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
Join us for the 17th Annual La Joya ISD Superintendent’s Scholarship Golf Classic! On Friday, April 7th at the Howling Trails Golf Course. For more information call the Administration & Finance Department Office at (956) 323-2051  #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
Congratulations to our Husky Powerlifter Caleb Moreno for placing 7th at the THSPA State Powerlifting Meet in Abilene, Tx with a Squat 325lbs , a Bench 210lbs, and a Deadlift of 385lbs. Great job!  Husky Nation is proud.
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
Congratulations to our Husky Powerlifter Caleb Moreno for placing 7th at the THSPA State Powerlifting Meet in Abilene, Tx with a Squat 325lbs , a Bench 210lbs, and a Deadlift of 385lbs. Great job!  Husky Nation is proud.
La Joya ISD Board Meeting Overview, highlighting some of the most important agenda items from our March 22, 2023 School Board Meeting. #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
Join us for a loteria Night!! Come and join us for a night full of fun, food, prizes and much more!! Enrollment opportunities will be available on-site. March 30, 2023 5:00PM - 8:00PM Leo J. Leo Elementary Cafeteria 1625 Roque Salinas Rd, Mission, TX 78572 We have amazing programs and exceptional schools, be a part of our La Joya ISD Family, NOW enrolling for the 2023 – 2024 school year. ENROLL TODAY and Choose La Joya ISD!! (956) 323-2545
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
Join us for a loteria Night!!  Come and join us for a night full of fun, food, prizes and much more!! Enrollment opportunities will be available on-site. March 30, 2023   5:00PM - 8:00PM Leo J. Leo Elementary Cafeteria 1625 Roque Salinas Rd, Mission, TX 78572 We have amazing programs and exceptional schools, be a part of our La Joya ISD Family, NOW enrolling for the 2023 – 2024 school year. ENROLL TODAY and Choose La Joya ISD!! (956) 323-2545
La Joya ISD Family, we hope you had a restful Spring Break! Don't forget, classes resume Monday, March 20. ********* Familia de La Joya ISD, ¡Esperamos que hayan tenido unas vacaciones de primavera fenomenales! No olviden, las clases se reanudan el lunes 20 de marzo.
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
Classes resume March 20, 2023
La Joya ISD Family don't forget! It's time to spring forward and move up your clock by 1 hour before you go to bed today. Have a safe Spring Break!!
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
Don't forget! It's time to spring forward and move up your clock by 1 hour before you go to bed on today..
Congratulations to our La Joya Juarez-Lincoln High School Husky Baseball Team for their wins today. 4-3 vs La Joya High and 8-6 vs Mission High @ the La Joya ISD Baseball Tournament. great job Go Huskies!! 🐾 #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
La Joya Juarez-Lincoln High School Husky Baseball Team
Congratulations to our La Joya Juarez-Lincoln High School Husky Powerlifter Caleb Moreno who placed 5th (114lb class)at the THSPA Region Championships in Edinburg today. Caleb has qualified for the State Powerlifting Meet Mar 24-25 in Abilene, Tx. Good luck in state Caleb!! Go Huskies!! 🐾 #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
Caleb Moreno advanced to state meet
La Joya ISD Educational Excellence Foundation is dedicated to supporting, enhancing, and promoting excellent educational opportunities, programs, and incentives for students and teachers of La Joya ISD that are unique and innovative. Today, La Joya ISD Educational Excellence Foundation awarded 3 classroom grants to the following teachers: Academy of Health Science Professions & STEM: Waleed Ebrahim - La Joya High School: Amylyn Borja-Freese - John F. Kennedy Elementary: Rita Saenz Congratulations to La Joya ISD Educational Foundation grant winners!!! #LJISDTowardSuccess
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
La Joya ISD Educational Excellence Foundation is dedicated to supporting, enhancing, and promoting excellent educational opportunities, programs, and incentives for students and teachers of La Joya ISD that are unique and innovative. Today, La Joya ISD Educational Excellence Foundation awarded 3 classroom grants to the following teachers: La Joya High School: Amylyn Borja-Freese John F. Kennedy Elementary: Rita Saenz Academy of Health Science Professions & STEM: Waleed Ebrahim Congratulations to La Joya ISD Educational Foundation Awardee winners!!! #LJISDTowardSuccess
La Joya ISD Educational Excellence Foundation is dedicated to supporting, enhancing, and promoting excellent educational opportunities, programs, and incentives for students and teachers of La Joya ISD that are unique and innovative. Today, La Joya ISD Educational Excellence Foundation awarded 3 classroom grants to the following teachers: La Joya High School: Amylyn Borja-Freese John F. Kennedy Elementary: Rita Saenz Academy of Health Science Professions & STEM: Waleed Ebrahim Congratulations to La Joya ISD Educational Foundation Awardee winners!!! #LJISDTowardSuccess
La Joya ISD Educational Excellence Foundation is dedicated to supporting, enhancing, and promoting excellent educational opportunities, programs, and incentives for students and teachers of La Joya ISD that are unique and innovative. Today, La Joya ISD Educational Excellence Foundation awarded 3 classroom grants to the following teachers: La Joya High School: Amylyn Borja-Freese John F. Kennedy Elementary: Rita Saenz Academy of Health Science Professions & STEM: Waleed Ebrahim Congratulations to La Joya ISD Educational Foundation Awardee winners!!! #LJISDTowardSuccess
La Joya ISD will observe spring break from March 13-17. Classes will resume their normal schedule on Monday, March 20. Administrative offices and all campuses will be closed Monday through Friday, March 13-17. ************************************* La Joya ISD observará las vacaciones de primavera del 13 al 17 de marzo. Las clases reanudarán su horario normal el lunes 20 de marzo. Las oficinas administrativas y todas las escuelas estarán cerradas de lunes a viernes, del 13 al 17 de marzo.
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
La Joya ISD will observe spring break from March 13-17. Classes will resume their normal schedule on Monday, March 20.  Administrative offices and all campuses will be closed Monday through Friday, March 13-17.  La Joya ISD observará las vacaciones de primavera del 13 al 17 de marzo. Las clases reanudarán su horario normal el lunes 20 de marzo. Las oficinas administrativas y todos los campus estarán cerrados de lunes a viernes, del 13 al 17 de marzo.
At La Joya ISD we are a Tradition of Excellence to ensure all students Shine Bright. Now enrolling for the 2023 - 2024 school year. ENROLL TODAY, Choose La Joya ISD! To register click on link below: For more information, visit or call (956) 323-2545. #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
At La Joya ISD, we are a Tradition of Excellence to ensure all students Shine Bright. Now enrolling for the 2023 - 2024 school year. ENROLL TODAY, Choose La Joya ISD!   To register click on link below: For more information, visit or  call (956) 323-2545. #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
The best Social Workers are at La Joya ISD!! Happy National School Social Work Week to our amazing Social Workers who ensure our students SHINE BRIGHT at La Joya ISD!! #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence #WeRise2023 #SSWWeek2023
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
The best Social Workers are at La Joya ISD!! Happy National School Social Work Week to our amazing Social Workers who ensure our students SHINE BRIGHT at La Joya ISD!! #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence #WeRise2023 #SSWWeek2023
Join us for our 2023 Elementary Music Festival featuring 245 4th and 5th graders representing La Joya ISD's 22 elementary campuses. This year we are having a Latin Music Throwback. Don't miss out! #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence #LJISDFineArts
almost 2 years ago, La Joya ISD
Join us for our 2023 Elementary Music Festival featuring 245 4th and 5th graders representing La Joya ISD's 22 elementary campuses. This year we are having a Latin Music Throwback. Don't miss out! #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence